Art Redemption + Gallery Submission Guides

Created: 6 June 2023, 15:33:45 CDT
Last updated: 10 March 2024, 21:59:50 CDT

In the Datakit Cache, you can do art redemption for 2D Art directly through the gallery! If a gallery has criteria rewards enabled, you can fill them out and receive currency as a reward for your work. For other works of art, such as writing or 3D models, you can obtain Bytes for them via a Prompt.

To reach the gallery, simply click 'Gallery' in the Navbar.


We currently have 3 galleries:

General Gallery, for submissions that you cannot or do not want to redeem for Bytes. (Inital design images, YCHs, Commissions for any sort of currency, etc.)

Art Redemption, for submissions that you can and want to redeem for Bytes. 

Monthly Prompt, for sumbissions to the monthly prompt! You can fill out criteria rewards to earn Bytes for these submissions as well.



For 2D art redemption, first navigate to the gallery in which your submission belongs (Art Redemption for general pieces, and Monthly Prompt for submissions to the Monthly Prompt), then click the '+' to go to the submission page and upload your image.

Keep in mind that images may be PNG, GIF, or JPG and can be up to 3MB in size.

Give your submission a title, and then add collaborators, other participants, and content warnings as needed!

Next, add the character(s) included in the piece. Simply type the respective character's code (DK-### for Datakits, and NPK-### for Non-Player Kits.)

You can only receive Bytes for masterlisted Datakits! Non-datakit characters or Kits without masterlist pages are not eligible for Byte rewards.

Next you can fill out the Criteria Rewards section.

Click 'Add Criterion', and a dropdown menu will appear below. Click on that and select '2D Art.' (You may also add extra criteria for extra characters or the background, if applicable.) An options menu will appear:

Fill out each criteria to the best of your ability. For a rundown of what each criterion means, click the spoiler below!


Toggle Spoiler

Character size refers to the amount of the Kit that's visible in the piece.

Gift Art refers to whether or not the Kit is eligible for the Gift Art bonus. If you're drawing someone else's Kit, an NPK, or one of the Mascots, you get a bonus in the amount of Bytes you receive!

Color refers to the color finish of the Kit in question. 

Shading refers to the amount of shading on the Kit. No/Minimal shading is either no shading whatsoever or very small amounts of it, such as on the eyes or under the neck. Simple shading would be very simple shading without clear multiple layers or rendering. Complex shading is shading with multiple layers and/or clear rendering!

Viral vs Antiviral is a piece multiplier applicable to pieces that show a theming of a Viral Datakit in opposition to an Antiviral Datakit.

Sketch is a piece multiplier that halves the amount of Bytes you receive. This does not apply to very clean sketches or lining styles that are somewhat messy!

Monthly Prompt is a piece multiplier that you can check if the piece you're submitting is for the Monthly Prompt.

How Many Kits Does This Criteria Apply To? allows you to input a number based on how many kits in the piece this one criterion applies to. If you have 3 colored, simple shaded headshots of a kit, you would input 3 in this field. If you have 1 colored, simple shaded headshot and 2 colored, simple shaded halfbodies, you would have two criteria: 1 filled out for the headshot, and 1 filled out for the halfbodies.

for backgrounds:

Finish refers to the finish of your background, whether it's a simple pattern, props, a simple scene, or a complex scene.

An infographic explaining the differences between props, simple scenes, and complex scenes will be made at some point! Until then, if you're unsure, feel free to ask staff for help in the Discord.


If, for example, you have a piece with 2 gift colored and unshaded halfbodies, 1 sketchy color + simple shading fullbody of your own Kit, and props for the background, you would add and fill out a total of 3 criteria: 1 criteria for the halfbodies, 1 for the fullbody, and 1 for the background.



To redeem art that isn't 2D, such as 3D models, crafts, animation, or writing, first upload it to the on-site art redemption gallery.

Once you've done that, navigate to the Prompts page (Under 'World') from the Navbar.

Select the "Other Art Redemption" Prompt. Be sure to read through the rules by clicking 'Show details,' and then you can click 'Submit Prompt.' You will be taken to a page that looks like this:

Paste the URL of your gallery submission in the 'Submission URL'. 

You can link unapproved gallery images, as long as you've submitted them to the gallery. The staff will be able to see them!

In the comments, paste and fill out the form provided to you on the prompt.

The staff will discuss and determine fair compensation in Bytes for your work, and you will be awarded those Bytes by a staff member.