Site News

September 2024

Posted 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 2 weeks ago by oracle_milkman

Monthly Prompt

This month's prompt is Rust! Draw Datakits cleaning off any rust they've accumulated on themselves or their environs, or any rust prevention they're doing in preparation for the autumnal rain!

Remember to submit Monthly Prompt pieces to the Monthly Prompt Gallery! Monthly Prompt Pieces go for double than normal!


Email verification and registration still under maintenance

We are currently still working on fixing email verification and resolving the issue that caused us to close main registration.

If you are having trouble with email verificaion, please either contact GalacticRing or join the Discord server and let us know in the #help channel.

If you want to register on the site, please contact GalacticRing.


That's all for now!

August 2024 Newsletter

Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by oracle_milkman

Monthly Prompt

This month's prompt is Software Update! Draw Datakits in the midst of a software update, whether that be on themselves or a device they're in!

Remember to submit Monthly Prompt pieces to the Monthly Prompt Gallery! Monthly Prompt Pieces go for double than normal!


Email verification and registration still under maintenance

We are currently still working on fixing email verification and resolving the issue that caused us to close main registration.

If you are having trouble with email verificaion, please either contact GalacticRing or join the Discord server and let us know in the #help channel.

If you want to register on the site, please contact GalacticRing.


That's all for now!

July 2024 Newsletter

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by oracle_milkman

Monthly Prompt

This month's prompt is Rivalry! Draw Datakits competing against each other or otherwise engaging in a rivalry!

Remember to submit Monthly Prompt pieces to the Monthly Prompt Gallery! Monthly Prompt pieces go for double than normal!


Email verification and registration still under maintenance

We are currently still working on fixing email verification and resolving the issue that caused us to close main registration.

If you are having trouble with email verificaion, please either contact GalacticRing or join the Discord server and let us know in the #help channel.

If you want to register on the site, please contact GalacticRing.


Art Fight

Art Fight 2024 has arrived! Yay!

We wanted to remind everyone that attacks featuring Datakits are redeemable for Bytes, and will have a bonus if you toggle the 'Art Fight?' option in the criteria and provide a link to the attack in the submission!

Also, the Discord server has a channel for sharing Art Fight profiles! Feel free to join in!


That's all for now!

June 2024 Newsletter

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by oracle_milkman

Monthly Prompt

This month's prompt is Clocks! Draw Datakits interacting with any kind of clock or things like clockwork!

Remember to submit Monthly Prompt pieces to the Monthly Prompt Gallery! Monthly Prompt pieces go for double than normal!


Email verification and registration still under maintenance

We are currently still working on fixing email verification and resolving the issue that caused us to close main registration.

If you are having trouble with email verificaion, please either contact GalacticRing or join the Discord server and let us know in the #help channel.

If you want to register on the site, please contact GalacticRing.


Datakits 2nd anniversary

Last month on May 25th, 2024 was the 2nd anniversary of Datakits! We wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for supporting this species for so long!

We understand that the species is not running as optimally as it could at the moment, so we're extra grateful for your patience with us during these times. This brings us to our next announcement...


Major Updates to Come

We will soon be working on major changes to the species that are to be implemented in the future. No specific details can be shared at the moment, but these changes will assuredly be for the benefit of the users, the staff, and the species as a whole.

An announcement with details will be made when these changes come closer to their implementation. In the meantime, the species will run the same as it has been for the past few months.


That's all for now!

May 2024 Newsletter

Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by oracle_milkman

Monthly Prompt

This month's prompt is Computer Bugs! Draw Datakits interacting with small glitches in a system, whether it be fixing them, creating them, etc.! You can draw the computer bugs as actual glitches, digital creatures, etc., it's up to your own interpretation!

Remember to submit Monthly Prompt pieces to the Monthly Prompt Gallery! Monthly Prompt pieces go for double than normal!


Email verification and registration still under maintenance

We are currently still working on fixing email verification and resolving the issue that caused us to close main registration.

If you are having trouble with email verificaion, please either contact GalacticRing or join the Discord server and let us know in the #help channel.

If you want to register on the site, please contact GalacticRing.


That's all for now!

April 2024 Newsletter

Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by oracle_milkman

Monthly Prompt

This month's prompt is Retro Tech! Draw Datakits interacting with retro, old-school technology such as walkmans, VHS tapes, or any other pre-2010's tech.

Remember to submit Monthly Prompt pieces to the Monthly Prompt Gallery! Monthly Prompt pieces go for double than normal!


Email verification issue and registration

As some of you are aware, there has been an issue with email verification when new users try to activate their accounts. We are currently making absolutely sure that this issue is resolved.

If you are still having trouble with email verification, please either contact GalacticRing or join the Discord server and let us know in the #help channel.

As part of the situation, main registration has been closed. If you want to register on the site, you may contact GalacticRing.


That's all for now!

March 2024 Newsletter

Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by proton

monthly prompt

This month's prompt is Music! Draw Datakits listening to music, dancing, etc.!

Remember to submit Monthly Prompt pieces to the Monthly Prompt Gallery! Monthly Prompt pieces go for double than normal!


That's all for now! Have fun!

February 2024 Newsletter

Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by oracle_milkman

Monthly Prompt

This month's prompt is Friendship! Draw Datakits hanging out with friends, making friendship bracelets, etc.!

Remember to submit Monthly Prompt pieces to the Monthly Prompt Gallery! Monthly Prompt pieces go for double than normal!

Gift Art Multipliers Back to Normal

With the end of January, Someone Else's Kit and Staff Kit multipliers have been lowered back down to their standard values! We hope you enjoyed the celebratory boost!

That's all for now! Have fun!

January 2024 Newsletter

Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by oracle_milkman

Monthly Prompt

This month's prompt is Cities! Draw your Datakit in cities and engaging in city life and activities! The cities would in be Physical World or Digital World!

Remember to submit Monthly Prompt pieces to the Monthly Prompt Gallery! Monthly Prompt pieces go for double than normal!


That's all for now! Have fun!

Changes In Plans

Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by oracle_milkman

Changes In Plans

Hello, Pixels! We have some important changes in plans to announce!


Winter Event Cancelled - Bigger Things On The Horizon!

The event this month that was mentioned in the December 2023 newsletter has been cancelled in order to make way for a larger event. We will announce the new event when we get close to it going live, so please stay tuned!


Some Festivities

Although a full-blown winter event will not happen this year, there will still be a couple festivities to celebrate the wintertime and new year!

  • Gift Art redemption boost! The Gift Art multiplier for Art Redemption will be boosted from today to January 31st! Specifically, the Someone Else's Kit and Staff Kit multipliers will both be increased to +30%! Drawing the mascots and other NPKs owned by the Hudson account will remain the same at +35%. Make someone happy by drawing a bit of gift art this winter!
  • New Year's Raffles on Discord! On New Year's Eve, we will be holding some design raffles and a Laserdisc raffle in the Datakit Cache Discord server! If you're interested and not in the Discord server, please consider joining us here!


That's all for now! We hope you have fun this season!