Site Sales

[Closed] Bytes/USD Adopts

Posted 11 months ago :: Last edited 11 months ago by oracle_milkman
Flatsale: DK-480[Closed]
Design: oracle_milkman ・ Art: oracle_milkman
Price: $15

$15 USD or 1500 Bytes

Flatsale: DK-481[Closed]
Design: oracle_milkman ・ Art: oracle_milkman
Price: $15

$15 USD or 1500 Bytes

Flatsale: DK-482[Closed]
Design: oracle_milkman ・ Art: oracle_milkman
Price: $15

$15 USD or 1500 Bytes

Hello, Pixels!

We have 3 Flatsale Adopts here!

These adopts are purchaseable via either $15 USD (Via PayPal, Ko-Fi, or Venmo) or 1500 Bytes!

An important aspect to mention is that if you're paying with Bytes, you can include items valued at their Shop values! For this sale, Black USBs will be taken as 700 Bytes and Laserdiscs will be taken as 1000 Bytes.

Using this method, you can pay for an adopt via something like 3 Pink USBs, 1000 Bytes + 1 Circuit + 1 Yellow USB, etc.! If your item value total is over 1500 Bytes, you will be refunded the overhang.

When claiming, please include what payment method you're using, including what items you're using if you're utilizing the item conversion! We do ask that you only claim if you have the money. Backing out of a bid or claim can result in disiplinary action.

Comments will open 4/14/2024 at 12pm CST!

[Closed] Valentine's Day OTA Batch

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 11 months ago by oracle_milkman
OTA: DK-473[Closed]
Design: oracle_milkman ・ Art: oracle_milkman

OTA: DK-474[Closed]
Design: proton ・ Art: proton

OTA: DK-475[Closed]
Design: GalacticRing ・ Art: GalacticRing

Happy Valentine's Day, Pixels!

We have 3 OTA adopts based on aspects of Love/Valentine's Day here! 

  • DK-473 is based on matchmaker compatability generator flash games! (Design/Art by oracle_milkman)
  • DK-474 is based on Valentine's Day engagement jewelry! (Design/Art by proton)
  • DK-475 is based on qplatonic relationships and the qplatonic pride flag! (Design/Art by GalacticRing)


As stated above, these are OTAs!

  • Once comments are open, you can reply to the comment correlating to the design you want to offer on!
  • You may offer money, art, items, Bytes, etc.
    • If offering money, please denote which payment systems (PayPal, Ko-Fi, Venmo, etc.) you can use. 
  • It is up to the discretion of each artist when they will close off offers and which offer they will accept.
    • Artists will accept offers by replying to your comment. Further discussion may happen in DMs (Discord, etc.), but please ask in the comments before initiating DMs.
  • Please only offer if you intend on following through. Backing out of an offer can result in disciplinary action.

[Closed] New Trait Adopt Batch (Off-Model)

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by oracle_milkman
Auction: DK-415[Closed]
Design: LobCorp ・ Art: LobCorp
Starting Bid: $15
Minimum Increment: $1
Autobuy: $30
24 hours after last bid or AB

Flatsale: DK-416[Closed]
Design: GalacticRing ・ Art: GalacticRing
Price: $15

Auction: DK-417[Closed]
Design: Digimon ・ Art: Digimon
Starting Bid: $15
Minimum Increment: $1
24 hours after last bid or AB


Flatsale: DK-418[Closed]
Design: Xenoblade ・ Art: Xenoblade
Price: $10

Auction: DK-419[Closed]
Design: proton ・ Art: proton
Starting Bid: $15
Minimum Increment: $1
24 hours after last bid or AB


Hi all! We have a new trait for you guys - Off-Model!! With this trait, you can give your Datakit strange mutations that are simply not ferret-like! This adopt batch is meant to serve as a preview of what this trait can do!

Some of these adopts are flatsale, some of them are auctions! Please reply to the correct comment to claim or bid on whichever Datakit you wish! Auctions end 24 hours after the last bid or at AB.

We do ask that you only bid/claim if you have the money. Backing out of a bid or claim can result in disiplinary action.

[Open] Pumpkin Seasons [Xenoblade]

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Xenoblade
Flatsale: DK-441[Open]
Design: Xenoblade ・ Art: Xenoblade
Price: $10

Flatsale: DK-442[Open]
Design: Xenoblade ・ Art: Xenoblade
Price: $10

Hello everyone! I have two autumnal adopts for you all today ! Payment is via paypal or kofi, and these are fcfs flatsales.
We do ask that you only bid/claim if you have the money. Backing out of a bid or claim can result in disiplinary action.


[Closed] Traffic Jam [Xenoblade]

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by GalacticRing

Hi all! We have a new adopt for you - this one was made by our moderator Xenoblade!! This is a flatsale, so it's FCFS!

We do ask that you only bid/claim if you have the money. Backing out of a bid or claim can result in disiplinary action.